Sunday, January 6, 2013

1/6/2013 – Day O’ Travel

We seem to have missed an entire day with the long flights and time change.  We left our home at 5:30 AM CST for a short flight to Washington DC (yes we flew east to go west).  After our flight to DC we changed planes and quickly boarded for a 14 hour flight to Beijing.  The boys enjoyed watching movies on their individual monitors and none of us seemed to sleep very well.  We arrived in Beijing very excited for our final leg to Chengdu.  There was about a three hour layover in Beijing followed by a three hour flight further west into China to Chengdu which is in the Sichuan Providence.  None of us were very excited about either getting on a plane or sitting at the gate waiting.  Luckily we found four reclining chairs and we were all able to lay down for a short rest.  During our rest we were approached by a couple from Nevada who were on their way back to Chengdu where the husband worked at the US consulate.  Unfortunately we didn’t get their names as we were beyond exhausted, sleep deprived, and not in a talking mood. 

After our short rest we boarded China Air for our flight to Hudson’s providence of Sichuan.  While we flew we were all absolutely exhausted.  I noted a couple next to us leaning over to look at the boys and smiling.  I then looked at Trevor and Garrett and they were asleep with their heads pointed to the air and their mouths wide open.  They looked like a couple of koi sticking their heads out the water begging for food.  After the flight we had to wait about 45 minutes for bags.  Once we got our luggage we walked out to the lobby of the Chengdu airport and were met by our facilitator Nora and our driver who drove to our hotel, the Sichuan Hotel.  We arrived at the hotel around midnight on Sunday in China so that brought our total travel time to about 29 hours!  Here are a few photos of us in the Beijing airport and also getting ready to fly to Chengdu.


  1. Hi Guys! Testing out the comments but also just so glad to hear from you all! Keep the updates coming!
    Love, The Hansen Family

  2. Yay! We have been praying for you! Hi from the DeLaPaz & Stowers'!! Are the boys teaching Hudson some soccer skills?
