Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Home Study - d-o-n-e, DONE!

We came, we saw, we scheduled, we concurred.  The home study process was 5 meetings with our social worker (SW) Beth I.  She was great to work with but boy are we happy to have those completed.  The visits consisted of Bethany and I visiting with the SW together twice at her office.  We then each had to have an individual meeting with the SW followed up by hosting our SW at our home.  There she got to meet all the kids and unfortunately we had to tell a little white lie to the kids that the SW visit was a follow up from Lindsey's adoption.  They were completely clueless to the fact that we are working to adopt again. 

We were on edge before the visit because we needed to provide the SW with copies of paperwork and our printer broke.  I messed with it and gave it the ole' Fonzerelli smack and it started up again.  (Who has two thumbs and makes printers work in a pinch?  THIS GUY - I'm pointing to myself with my thumbs).

Not only was the printer acting up but our two oldest boys were fighting over a wiffle ball game, T claimed that G hit a double while G claimed he hit a triple.  For those of you who don't wiffle a triple in our backyard is a line drive off the fence.  If it bounces and hits the fence its a double.  So the two oldest were fighting, the printer was failing, and the SW was due to walk in the door any minute.  Its safe to say all issues cleared, we had the meeting, and we are now waiting for the SW to write up our home study.