This morning, Tuesday April 26th, (M's 6th birthday!) we met with our adoption caseworker Beth I. who works for Lifelink International Adoption. We had a great time discussing our current family situation and our desire to adopt again. When we were leaving our caseworkers office we saw a picture on her wall of a family that has ten (10) kids. They had a few bio kids and then adopted from Ethiopia. Once in Ethiopia they found that the children they adopted had more siblings. They have adopted the children to keep the family together and their joyful smiles was absolutely amazing.
Seeing this large family in the photo calmed some of my nerves which always creep in when I think of being the bread winner for so many mouths. God will provide....I'm sure of it. We may not always have what our hearts desire but then again God doesn't promise us what our hearts desire. I was reminded in a message at church a few weeks ago that the heart is "deceitful and desperately wicked". Maybe God has given me the desire to hunt and garden because one day that will be the only means of food. I don't want to set our family up for difficult times by expressing in this public forum that I'm ready for God to test us however when we started this blog I told myself that I would be honest and share my thoughts and feelings. I've tried for years to do things my way and I'm tired. I'm ready, today, to put this in the Lord's hands and I'm ready for him to drive (okay fly) us all the way to GOTCHA DAY!
We have to do 5 visits with our caseworker in to get the homestudy finished and this part of the process completed. We are going full speed ahead and have our individual visits scheduled for next week. By this time next week we should have 3 of the 5 visits completed! Paperwork Pregnancy here we come!
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